
Bypassing public WIFIs restrictions

2022-09-28 • Félix Dorn
This article is over 1 years old. I may think differently or it may be outdated.

To the Hotspot’s Terms of Services , please note that this story is purely fictional.

Find out the name of your WiFi card:

1ifconfig | rg :

Mine is called wlp0s20f3.

Take it down, change the address and re-enable it:

1ifconfig wlp0s20f3 down
2ifconfig wlp0s20f3 hw ether ADDRESS
3ifconfig wlp0s20f3 up

You can write a random address, however, if you want to generate a random one:

1od -t x1 -An -N 6 /dev/urandom | xargs | tr ' ' :

xargs trims the input in a sexy, esoteric way. If you’re curious about the arguments passed to od: man od.